Nambucca Heads & Surrounding Areas – Automotive, Commercial & Domestic Locksmithing Solutions – Complete Mobile Service.
Have you lost your only car or house key? Is your key not working correctly or have your keys perhaps been stolen? Are you wondering how many unaccounted for keys are out there held by previous owners of your car, house or business?
Calling TJF locksmiths ensures you will receive the best possible solutions for all your lock & key issues.
You can rest assured you will be receiving service from a fully licensed & insured, professional Locksmith with thorough understanding of all aspects of Locksmithing backed by 16 years industry experience and advanced training.
Nambucca Heads Auto Locksmith
- Do you need a locksmith near me for Car keys cut and programmed in Nambucca Heads and all Surrounding Areas? including South West Rocks, Scotts Head, Bowraville, Macksville, Bonville, Sawtell, Toormina, Boambee, Coffs Harbour, Upper Orara, Karangi, Ulong, Korora, Coramba, Lowanna and more
- Automotive Locksmith services for most makes and models including Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Skoda & more.
- Lost Car key Services – New keys supplied, cut and programmed when all existing keys have been lost.
- Stolen Key Services – We can rekey your existing car locks to a newly cut key combination, and re-program the immobiliser and remote functions of the vehicle to ensure stolen keys will not open or start the vehicle.
- Spare Remote keys, Flip keys, Non Remote keys, Smart keys, Proximity keys, Keyless Go keys, Surf keys and Remote fobs supplied cut and programmed.
- Snapped and worn keys repaired and replaced. Complete key shells supplied cut and assembled for remote flip keys and more.
- Ignition, door, boot and glovebox lock repairs and replacement.
- Vehicle Unlocking Services – Deadlocked and Non Deadlocked cars.

Coffs Harbour Commercial & Domestic Locksmith
- Home and Business Locks re-keyed and keyed alike.
- Restricted Master Key Systems.
- All types of Locks repaired and replaced including Deadbolts, Deadlatches, Knobsets, Leversets, Mortise Locks, Patio Bolts, Commercial Grade Patio Bolts, Window and Child Safety Locks, Safe Locks, Cupboard and Drawer Locks, Filing Cabinet Locks plus more.
- Safes and Security Storage.
- Keys cut to code for Letterbox Locks, Filing Cabinets, Window Locks and more.
- Emergency Lockout Services.
- Domestic House and General Standard keys cut and originated.

If you are in need of service, a quote, or would like to make a booking, please call or text us for a quick response.
Phone: 0448060968
TJF Locksmiths
Automotive, Commercial & Domestic Locksmith for Nambucca Heads and Surrounding Areas
ABN: 20137081258
Master Licence: 000104694
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